Which colour lenses are for me
Choosing Coloured Contact Lenses for Dark And Light Eyes
Once, coloured fashion contact lenses were only for people with light eyes. That's because these products were mostly transparent, to allow the eye colour to show through. For most people with darker eyes, the transparent coloured area of the lens only made the iris look darker. Now, this frustrating situation is a lot better; just about anyone can choose opaque coloured contact lenses that will cover irises of any color or shade. Whether you want a natural look or something a little more unusual, there's an option for you.
Bold, Glamorous Natural Tones
If you're looking for a natural-looking change to your normal eye colour, Eyelush contact lenses could be ideal. These opaque lenses feature dramatic versions of natural eye colours such as aqua, blue, brown, green and even chocolate. The lens itself is printed with a detailed pattern that helps the colour look natural. That makes it easy to enhance your own eye colour or even choose a vibrant new tone without standing out too much. This kind of contact lens is perfect for work wear or as an everyday accent for your best features.
Bright and Beautiful Basics
Basic lenses by colourvue are opaque lenses that cover your natural colour completely, but unlike other types they feature just one colour. They produce a very bright circle of colour that stands out more than a natural-looking lens, but they don't blend in as easily. These contacts are inexpensive and make a great way to experiment with eye colour or add a bold new element to your casual look.
Fusion Lenses
These unusual contact lenses combine two different colours to produce a relatively natural-looking result with a little bit more. They're a great way to punch up your natural iris colour or get a vibrant look that goes well with many costumes. Colour options include violet with grey or blue and yellow with blue or green. No matter what you choose, you're sure to get attention.
Bold, Glamorous Natural Tones
If you're looking for a natural-looking change to your normal eye colour, Eyelush contact lenses could be ideal. These opaque lenses feature dramatic versions of natural eye colours such as aqua, blue, brown, green and even chocolate. The lens itself is printed with a detailed pattern that helps the colour look natural. That makes it easy to enhance your own eye colour or even choose a vibrant new tone without standing out too much. This kind of contact lens is perfect for work wear or as an everyday accent for your best features.
Bright and Beautiful Basics
Basic lenses by colourvue are opaque lenses that cover your natural colour completely, but unlike other types they feature just one colour. They produce a very bright circle of colour that stands out more than a natural-looking lens, but they don't blend in as easily. These contacts are inexpensive and make a great way to experiment with eye colour or add a bold new element to your casual look.
Fusion Lenses
These unusual contact lenses combine two different colours to produce a relatively natural-looking result with a little bit more. They're a great way to punch up your natural iris colour or get a vibrant look that goes well with many costumes. Colour options include violet with grey or blue and yellow with blue or green. No matter what you choose, you're sure to get attention.